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What is the IoT?
The Internet of Things has been an Industry buzzword in the technology sector for many years now. However, it is just finding its way into the mainstream of terminology new homes. For many, they still haven’t even heard of the IoT (Internet of Things). What is it anyway? Basically, the IoT refers to the ability of two or machine devices, using an internet connection, to connect which enables them to communicate with each other effectively and efficiently.
Homeowners can benefit from this new way of living – from small-scale computer connectivity at home, to large scale mobile sensors dispersed across their cities, the Internet of Things has the capacity to change how we live. From monitoring our health, to changing the way we undertake everyday tasks such as driving and cooking, to heating our homes more efficiently, all kinds of machine-to-machine link-ups are made possible thanks to the Internet of Things.
While the Internet of Things may not sound familiar to you as a term, you may recognize it more under the term “smart home”. The concept, however, essentially remains the same. A smart home for many invokes visions of the George Jetson home. Mechanical and technology gadgets doing everything from adjusting our chair to turning on lights to preparing our food. In today’s technology, that translates to a connected home full of modern-day gadgets such as Bluetooth lightbulbs, smart phone door locks, and multi-room audio systems. However, these gadgets need to interact with each other seamlessly before we can claim to live in a smart home. These gadgets are finding their way into more modular homes than ever before.
The smart home uses the same principle as the Internet of Things to change how we live at home. From doing the laundry, buying groceries, managing heating, and cooling, to controlling security systems, the smart home connects all of our gadgets to work in accordance with each other for an easier, more efficient way to live.
How Can a Smart Home Impact My Life?
Imagine returning home after a long day at work. You open the door and the lights come on automatically. They are dimmed to your favorite level and a playlist of your favorite songs begins to play out of speakers positioned to be invisible in your décor. Your home’s temperature is always perfect – not too warm, not too cold. It’s always just right.
While you hang up your jacket, with just a voice command, you turn on your home security. A main display in your home turns on, giving you all of the day’s news and even updates you on how much food is left in the fridge.
The IoT or Smart Home brings to bear a huge increase in the number of devices being used in the home. This, in turn, increases the number of potential challenges to overcome, such as: security, privacy, data flow, bandwidth capacity, and data management. Given the above scenario imagine a breach in system security. The bad guys would probably know how to gain access to your home, turn off the lights, and view your personal preferences. What if your refrigerator has access to your credit card to order groceries? Sound far-fetched. These scenarios are being debated right now as this technology grows and the ability to do everything described above moves into the mainstream. Is the ability of the IoT outgrowing its ability to secure itself adequately?
The Technology is Coming
Even if your home is not yet equipped with dozens of smart, Internet and Bluetooth-enabled devices, there is a good chance it may be in the near future. Soon your home may even be capable of facial recognition. Your home may even be able to not only adjust the living environment to the family as a whole, it may even be able to adjust to the needs and wants of individual residents.
Home buyers are reading more about the IoT and smart houses and they are liking what they see. For example, the Raemian Premiere Palace offers the Smart Manager HAS, a built-in smart security system. In the case of a break-in, the system automatically starts recording on a CCTV unit. In today’s world, enhanced security is a driving force in the increased interest in smart homes and IoT devices.
Safer, Greener, More Cost-effective
Other developments in the IoT can have the potential to make smart houses greener and cheaper to run than conventional housing. Water- and energy-monitoring devices may soon help homeowners optimize consumption. This can lead to lower bills and a reduced carbon footprint.
In the Future
Growing technology, increased internet bandwidth, lack of time – With all of this coming into play, it seems like the time is right for the IoT to mature and find its way into more and more of our daily life. These new gadgets are making lives safer and easier, and at the same time making our new homes greener and more efficient.
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